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I have found a bug in 0.6 version:
When I save more than one login-password pair in new format, password substitute is broke!

For example, I save login-password murz-mypass to url http://myhost.ru/login.php

It saves to kwallet as map 'http://myhost.ru/login.php#'

And when I go again to this url, firefox fill login and password correctly.

After that I enter login murz2 and password and press 'save'. It save to kwallet as map 'http://myhost.ru/login.php# murz2' and leave old login murz as 'http://myhost.ru/login.php#'.

But after that firefox didn't want to fill the password not for murz and not for murz2 login!

If I remove 'http://myhost.ru/login.php# murz2' record from kwallet, filling password for murz login will goes back.

P.S. Please add forum or another tool to talking with community on your site http://www.guillermomolina.com.ar/index.php/en/proyectos/firefox-kwallet-extension - it will be better than report bugs or wish via review here

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