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A workaround is to use the Custom Buttons extension
See here http://j2m-06.pagesperso-orange.fr/faq_tb_A.html#reta_flec_chgt_vues2
(google translate)

Une solution de contournement, qui fonctionnent, c'est d'utiliser l'extension Custom Buttons
Voir ici http://j2m-06.pagesperso-orange.fr/faq_tb_A.html#reta_flec_chgt_vues2

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.11). 

I don't see anything at that link or anywhere else which explains in detail _how_ to use that extension to put back these buttons. I would love to document this workaround, but I can't do that unless there are specific instructions I can give or point people at. Do you know where they are?