Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I've been looking for a simple way to save all attachments from a message to a given folder, depending on the type of message. This addon + Filter Button by Christophk make this a breeze. I create a new filter to do whatever (like save all attachments to a given folder), and then I can use the "run filter" drop-down that Filter Button adds to the message to run the filter manually whenever I want!
One thing I wish it had: the ability to generate the filename that the attachment is saved as, and possibly a confirmation dialog like "Filter ran successfully".
In reply to Axel's comment:
Apparently there is no facility to reply to a "developer reply" so I am editing my review to reply to you.
I run Thunderbird 60.6.0.
It's working fine for me at the moment, I don't have any issues :-) just a short wishlist!
Thanks so much for your work. I don't get why some people leave one- or two-star reviews for free plugins just because they encounter some minor issues!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.4.1). 

Maybe go over to our issue tracker:
Which version of Thunderbird do you run? I am still working out some kinks with attachments in Tb60