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I have loved the add-on but under Thunderbird 102 I haven't been able to USE any of the emojis. If I click on one it isn't inserted and there's no right-click function either. I can't 'select and drag' - so I see NO way at all of inserting the emoji.

Also the 'window' that displays emojis is only five rows of four emojis - much smaller than what was visible under Thunderbird 91.

Looking forward to changes.
I'd be happy to PAY for this one, by the way!

I've since figured out how to access the emojis.
Another emoji add-on I tried stopped DISPLAYING emojis after I changed its SETTINGS and that also made the SETTINGS disappear!!

Eager for the TB 102 compatible version of Emoji!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.91.8). 

The add-on is not yet compatible with TB 102. A new version is forthcoming, hopefully in the next few days. You can follow progress here: https://github.com/mganss/EmojiAddIn/pull/53