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easy Xdebug 1.5.1-signed.1-signed Требуется перезапуск
автор brechtvhb
This addon was built to make debugging while using netbeans PHP easier.
Об этом дополнении
<p>Below you find a short description on how to get easy xdebug working together with netbeans.</p>
<p>To set your environment up go to netbeans:</p>
- Right click your project > properties > Run configuration > Advanced > Do not open webbrowser.
- Then right click the icon in the bottom right to start debugging your current page.
<p>In short, you have to copy php_xdebug*.dll file into your php's extensions dir and add following lines into your php.ini:<br/>
<p>Restart your Apache server... and you can start using the addon!</p>
<p>Inspired by Xdebug helper from Denis Orlikhin</p>
<p>Addon provided bij eLime.</p>