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Would it be possible to add an on/off toggle for the settings & button icons? I really only want the icons added to the context menus (ala the old CuteMenus extensions); I prefer my checkboxes to still look like checkboxes in the settings menus and generally don't want icons included with the buttons (Options/Enable/Disable/Etc...). I'm sure many people like having these additional areas iconized, so I wouldn't want to see it removed from the extension, but I would greatly appreciate an additional toggle switch for those of us looking for a slightly "lighter" version.

Thanks for all your work keeping this updated.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.2.5). 

not very likely, i started off with just button icons, and started adding the menuitems from requests, so everything is all jumbled together (400kB)