Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I am only giving 2 stars instaed of five I might of given if you did not remove the option to allow the user to choose which cookies to allow or block.
This was the only cookie manager for firefox that I have found that gave that option of security.
So please bring it back,surly its not a hinderance to of kept that option.
I now feel like its almost just another cookie manager without it.
Did you remove it just to annoy someone?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.9.2). 


you must be mistaken, nothing was removed in the newest versions. CookieKeeper was also never able to block an individual cookie.

You can only block a domain, it is the way that Mozilla works. The blocking interface, via the permissions panel proposed in CookieKeeper preferences, is just a remake of the Firefox one. Please note that since CookieKeeper 1.9.0 there is now a distinctions in the permissions, if the website come from an "HTTP" connection or "HTTPS", like Firefox is doing.

For the protection, it is just a flag on a cookie. CookieKeeper delete alls cookies when requested (or at shut-down if wanted), except those who are marked protected. But the protection do not deny the right of a website to modify the cookie attributes (content, session or not, expiry dates, ...).