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The issue was with conflicting extensions. After I disabled them, Compact Menu 2 worked flawlessly.

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I've been using your extension in FX and TB since it was first published. It really makes the UI much cleaner. I've just downloaded TB 10b5 and noticed that Compact Menu 2 doesn't install on the compose window and when I try to customize the compose window and drag Compact Menu 2 to the window, there's nothing to drag. I don't know if there may be a conflict with another extension or if there's an issue w/ this version of TB. I figured I'd tell you about it nonetheless.

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I've been using this since its first appearance; when a new beta release of Firefox came out and this extension wasn't updated for it yet, I bumped the .rdf so I could enable the functionality. While the FF button now kind of obsoletes this extension, I still use it because of its aesthetics.

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Milly -

Went to your github site and downloaded 3.1.1. Upon installation, received error message 207: Not a valid install package. Not going to dis your addon because of that, though. I've been using it a long time and it just works. By the way, tried to download it from Mozilla, too, and received 208 error, too.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.1.1).