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Finally, bringing back standard "middle click last tab exits window". Why this was disabled in the first place is beyond me, and it has been driving me crazy ever since. This is the first extension that actually works as says (as of FF 29.0.1)

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Thank you for generous review!

To be fair, however, there are at least two, much fancier alternatives that enable "middle click last tab exits window" and predate my extension (first released 2012):

Tab Mix Plus (first released 2005!)
The premier Tab extension, with >1M users! This was way too fancy for my taste, changing too much default Firefox behavior.

Last Tab Close Button (first released 2009)
This, however, doesn't work right with "about:newtab"?

Also, both of these require a browser restart when enabled/disabled.

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Great add-on. The browser finally behaves as it should. There is a small inconvenience since update to FF 24.0. Now when I close the window with one single New tab, the "This is embarrassing" message is displayed on start up telling FF was not able to restore previous session.
@ypeels Thanks for your reply. You are right, described bug is reproducible even in Safe Mode. FF 26 will fix it, hopefully.

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Thank you for your kind words! Passing the buck a bit, I'm guessing this is an upstream Firefox bug <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=853779> rearing its head... If my guess is right, you should be able to reproduce the behavior even in Safe Mode, using Ctrl+W (or Ctrl+Shift+W) instead of the middle-click. Let me know how things go!

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Works exactly as advertised: Install the extension, middle click the last tab, and it's gone! For an added bonus, it installs with no restart required.

Many thanks!

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