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Jonathan Allard

Обо мне

Информация о разработчике
Имя Jonathan Allard
Местонахождение Montreal, QC
Пользователь с Фев. 1, 2014
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
Средний рейтинг дополнений разработчика Пока не оценено

Мои отзывы

Session Manager

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I originally just wanted to save my windows somewhere instead of having them lie on my desktop endlessly.

Over the course of a few months, this extension has turned into a cemetary of dead whole sessions, unmanageable mess of sessions, and no clear path to save/load sessions. The whole interface is way overcomplicated for the purpose.

I'm sure the developer meant well and put in a lot of work towards this, but in the end, I am removing it because the interface made me not wanting to use it anymore, and just slowed down crash recoveries. Sorry, but the UX is a nightmare.

I wish it well into improving this in the future, because frankly, the idea was very promising, and I think a such a feature, well implemented, is a browser essential.

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