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ЗакрытьОтзывы на Download Status Bar от bowsprit
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
As reported in a May 22 post, I also experience the two buttons and status bar appearing even though no downloads had been active. Their appearance can be deleted by unchecking, then rechecking the hide button checkboxes, but the problem returns at random, often after a restart or installation of a new addon. Seems to be related to Firefox update to v.29 (Mac OS 10.6.8). For whatever reason, it seems that the addon prefs file can't always "hold onto" the checked hide buttons setting.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения ( bowsprit,
I figured out another add-on is causing this problem. I reported the bug to the add-on developer but meanwhile I coded some fallback mechanism which can take action in such kind of unexpected situation. Could you install v9.3.3 and feedback please? After you install v9.9.3, "Restart" is "required" to clean up old UI details.
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
NAN bug fixed in version 7.4.5.
(What a great add-on!)
Hi bowsprit,
Thank you so much for your review and kind words.
Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд
When download begins, % complete is obviously 0, but displays "NaN%". At the same time, the entire bar is colored (appropriate for speed). As soon as 1% or more is completed, color then displays proportionately, as expected. Must be a divide-by-zero error somewhere.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения ( bowsprit,
Thank you so much for your bug report. I tried to fix it for v.7.4.5. Could you install v.7.4.5 and recheck?
✓ Update Clear Bug Fix
✓ Unknown File Size Bug Fix
✓ Firefox 25 Cancel Bug Fix
✓ NAN Bug Fix
✓ Statistics Page Style Update
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
Would be very nice to return to a few of the pre-26 version features, such as...
1. Mouseover, not click, to get stats (as before). With a number of simultaneous downloads, it's a pain to have to click all over the place.
2. Four speed colors, instead of the current three.
3. in the bar windows, and also the popup, show actual bytes downloaded, in addition to the percentage.
4. Adjustable bar window widths (as before). Currently, they are truncated and hardly any data are visible.
All in all, I was 100% satisfied with the pre-26 version and would be delighted to see all previous features returned. I'm sure that many other users feel the same way.
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