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ЗакрытьОтзыв на Download Status Bar от bart
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
This addon has really usefull features, that could be replicated to use with Conkeror (or any of the others). However, my question for the developper is: would you be interested in turning your downbar into a fullblown commandline tool? This would be one of the last pieces of the puzzle to avoid clicking, as a plugin for Vimperator (or..), or as a new feature, a third UI option for the Download Status Bar. Don't get me wrong: the present UI is absolutely elegant. But please consider below thoughts.
The "right click on a download item" action could become a single line auto-suggestion commands like `:dl setup.exe -pause`or `:dl setup.exe -yankurl' where both the download item and the context menu action param are completed (where no param means open);
Providing an extra item for the 'status' option, which would display the number of active/completed downloads when not in EX mode (I.E. typing a command), so no need to include an extra panel on the statusline;
It would be awesome if the popup information (without preview image) where to be continuously updated as a multi-line command message after typing something like `:dl setup.exe -show` or `:dl -show` until escaped;
anyway GREAT addon!, cheers,
ps: Vimperator plugins on github: http://vimpr.github.io/plugins-en.html
Hi bart,
Thank you so much for your review and kind words.
It is great idea. I am planning to add power download features for the add-on after I freeze the interface and code for main functionalities. Thanks for the suggestion.
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