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История версий Tag the Bird

5 версий

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Версия 1.3 43.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*

This release only includes minor UI improvements.

Changelog for 1.3:
* Tag input field now is focused when opening 'edit tags' dialog.
* Suggestion button has shortkey in 'edit tags' dialog.
* Added 'remove all tags' to a messages context menu and to 'message > tag the bird' menu.

Версия 1.2 42.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*

Changelog v1.2:
* Fixed a bug when messages with only one single tag were not found when searching for that tag.
* Fixed bugs were messages were lost or crippled when they were edited on UNIX systems.

Версия 1.1 42.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*

Changelog v1.1:
* Made Tag the Bird compatible with Thunderbird 2.0
* Added support for IMAP accounts
* Added French locales

* There are still issues on Unix systems, that hopefully will be fixed in the next version (I just wanted to get a TB2.0-compatible version out asap.), so I don't recommend to use TTB on important accounts on those systems for now.

Версия 1.0 38.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*


* Tags are stored directly into a message's headers now. ATTENTION: All the tags you entered prior to this version will be lost, because they were stored somewhere else!!! This won't happen in future versions.
* The user interface has been completely redesigned. Now you can do much more without even touching the keyboard.
* New options: "My Tags" and "Standard Action"
* Lots of bugfixes.
* More lots of little tweaks and enhancements regarding speed, stability and compatibility.

Known Bugs:

* Sometimes searches will return more results than you expected. The reason for this is, that when you command Thunderbird to search the 'X-Tags' header (or any other header) for a specific value, it will always search for that value in all headers. Therefore, for example, if you are searching for a tag called 'knallgrau', the search will return all messages tagged with 'knalkgrau' plus all messages that came from or went to somebody from that company, because the 'From' or the 'To' header (or even the 'Orgainzation' header) contain that string. This is a bug in Thunderbird, not Tag the Bird. I hope they fix it soon.
* Sometimes searches will return no result altough they should. I could not find the reason for this yet, but I only encountered this behaviour right after Thunderbird started. My suspicion is, that the search engine somehow needs time to 'initialize'. Just do the same search again and it will return the right results. Help on this one is appreciated.
* This is not really a bug: Tag the Bird uses a XPCOM method that has a comment about Mac OS (nsILocalFile:initWithPath()). I'd really appreciate if somebody could test Tag the Bird on one of the mentioned OSes.
* If keep your messages ordered by thread and edit the tags of a 1st level message (= the root message of a thread), the thread will be moved to the top. There are two reasons for this: 1st, Thunderbird orders threads not by the Date headers of either the earliest or latest message in the thread (which imho should be the way how to do this), but in the same order messages have been added into TB's message database. 2nd, the only way to update a message's headers is to delete it and reimport it again. For this I'm using the CopyFileMessage() method. The second parameter should allow to replace a message which might import the filemessage without setting a new timestamp in TB's database. However, using this parameter causes the function (and TB) to block until TB is restarted, without the changes being made. I spent some time trying to fix this, but I couldn't find a solution, so I gave up for now. Any hints are welcome.

Planned for future versions:

* Support for imap and other server types (currently only localfolders and pop3).
* Internationalization. Currently English and German. If you want to contribute, feel free to contact me.

Версия 0.9.1 22.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

* Now compatibel with current Thunderbird version (and all upcoming versions until - and not including - 1.5.1).
* Message options are now in a separate cascaded menu.
* Message options can be accessed via a message's contextmenu too (right click).
* Message options can now be used in message windows (= windows only displaying a single message) and not in the main messenger window only.

NOTE TO REVIEWER: I don't know why your uploadform keeps thinking that this is a MozillaSuite Extension. It's Thunderbird only!