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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome robrob
Utente da Luglio 19, 2009
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Contacts (old, follow website link below for current addon)

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The idea behind this is pretty cool and I can't wait to see what's coming. Right now though, there are still some limitations and/or bugs that need to be weeded out. For instance, the TB address book integration appears to only be able to import the "Personal Address Book" and the "Collected Addresses", but not any other address books one might have.

I'm staying tuned for this one.

Auto Address Cleaner

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Very useful. I didn't even know that the recipient can see how I call them locally. I often call contacts e.g. "Michael Microsoft Tech Department" to know instantly who this is. Now I see that all this time, they have been seeing this on their end.

I wonder why TB even sends this local information out. This tool is a MUST!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Drag & drop no longer works for FireFTP 1.0.4 in Firefox 3.5.1. Dragging a file or folder into FireFTP does not upload it, but instead Firefox opens it in local viewing/browsing mode, effectively killing the most important feature of an FTP client.

This is a major usability issue and it renders the extension practically useless. It's not just me who depends on the ability to drag a folder into FireFTP and have it uploaded.

To Mozilla:
I don't want to browse a directory in a browser. That's what I have Explorer or Finder for. DON'T make this a default and override an extension's main purpose.

To Mime Cuvalo (the plugin developer):
Thank you, honestly, for creating an essential plugin that many, many people now depend on. I admire your work. Now please don't leave us hanging on this issue.

This bug has been addressed here a month ago. If fixing this major problem is too complicated right now for whatever reason, I would appreciate it if a kind person could
post a hint as to where the problem might be. If the developer doesn't have a solution right now, please help us find a solution, or at least a workaround.

- is there a setting in Firefox's about:config that directly relates to the browser overriding plugin settings (in particular: drag&drop)?
- is there a priority setting in FireFTP for this function that can be adjusted to a higher level?
- is there ANYTHING anybody can add to help find this issue?

This is not open-source just because the word sounds cool. If YOU (who is reading this right now) use any open-source app in your life, and if YOU happen to have a clue where to start looking in this case, YOU are required to invest 30 seconds of your life to help fix this thing. Right now.

Thank you.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.5) del componente aggiuntivo.