
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Mark
Utente da Nov. 6, 2009
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Le mie recensioni

Empty 'em

Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

Not working in 7.0.1. Still refuses to empty g-mail trash. It pops up and says it dumped the trash on 2 servers, but it doesn't. I'm specifically interested in emptying the g-mail trash since TB won't remove the read mail from the server. Thanks for the valiant effort, but it ain't working for me.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.79) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Empty 'em

Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

I wish this would work in TB 5, unfortunately it doesn't. I won't empty the Gmail trash which is what I wanted it for. Fix this and I'll be a fan. The notification pop-up is painfully slow as well. Thanks.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.785) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Scroogle SSL search

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

If you go to manage search engines you can uninstall Scroogle there. It's a search engine, not a typical add-on. This is absolutely the safest way to browse the web, bar none. I works as it's supposed to and keeps big bro from following your tracks.

Good job Scroogle team and thanks.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (20100223) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Scroogle SSL search

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

If you go to manage search engines you can uninstall Scroogle there. It's a search engine, not a typical add-on. This is absolutely the safest way to browse the web, bar none. I works as it's supposed to and keeps big bro from following your tracks.

Good job Scroogle team and thanks.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (20100223) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Resize Search Box

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works great in 3.5.6, just mod the install file to show the version you use & voila. Works like a champ with no other mods.

Fix Tb Titlebar Extension

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I modified the file to allow install on and it works but causes a "Thunderbird has encountered an error and needs to close" error when exiting. TYhis is a neat little extension that needs a bit more work.