
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome P.B.
Utente da Feb. 25, 2011
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I was looking for this functionality (as a filter action) and found no other extension that can do it. However, it's not trivial even with this one. I post my solution here, maybe someone need it, too. I had to use a JavaScript action, with the following script:
/* delete skip trash */
let hdr = msgHdrs.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIMsgDBHdr);
hdr.folder.deleteMessages(msgHdrs, msgWindow, true, false, null, false);
Maybe I should have posted it to FiltaQuilla's forum, but if someone looks for an extension with this functionality, won't get to that forum.
This JavaScript-action feature makes this add-on really powerful. Even if you don't have knowledge of JavaScript and Mozilla components, you can go to FiltaQuilla's forum and ask for help! This makes this add-on even greater.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1.0) del componente aggiuntivo.