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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome hershmab
Utente da Giugno 13, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Tag Toolbar / Tag Popup

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I use it to try to filter the current folder for all messages that have tags that I select. Unfortunately I cannot find any working instructions or examples. There is a "Search Tags" button and an empty input-box that appears when I press the button. But nothing insert in the box or I do after that has any effect whatsoever. Very frustrating! It would be helpful if I could get comprehensive instructions.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.35) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Reverse Phone Number Identification

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There is no information, even after installation, about what this add-on does, within what limits, or how to use it. There are no options or links to the author's web-page. Nothing appears in the Tools menu.
The only place where any reference to this add-on does appear is in the context menu after some text has been selected. If you click on the menu option, you see a brief, almost illegible, message saying something about accessing the Internet followed by a second message saying that the phone-number cannot be identified.

As there is nothing to tell you which phone-numbers can be sought nor how to format them, that result is hardly surprising. In my opinion this add-on is not fit to be released, even experimentally. It cannot earn even a one-star rating (but there is no such option here).


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Just like the original add-on, it works only on individual addresses, not on lists. If an email is to be sent to all members of a list, excluding all members of a sub-list, it would be nice to be able to specify NOTTO: SUBLIST

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Contacts (old, follow website link below for current addon)

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The published description of this add-on was rather vague, so I had to install it just to find out what it actually did. I was disappointed to see that it did not do what I was looking for....
What would be really useful would be a facility to use a local database as an address-book/contact-list, for example an Excel worksheet or Access database. TB can import such data, but where the database is volatile it would need frequent re-importing. It would be much more convenient to access the external database directly.


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I keep several lists that contain, for my own convenience, entries that do NOT have an email address, and I usually keep a sub-list of such entries. When I really want to send to such a list, it would be nice if I could say "NOTTO " instead of doing it for each individual member of the sub-list.

NestedQuote Remover

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I agree with Valdaran on January 19, 2009: as message-quoting on reply is either on or off in account settings, it would be good to be able to turn it off for the current reply by setting the maximum quote level to zero.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.2) del componente aggiuntivo.