Utente Firefox 9be23c

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Nome Utente Firefox 9be23c
Utente da Giugno 12, 2016
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Menu Wizard

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

You can perform so many things with this add-on that it's truly amazing.

For instance I've read several Firefox users complaining that no shortcut key was assigned to the Reader View Mode. Well, with menu Wizard it's a breeze :

Menu Wizard options / Menu Bar / View / 'Enter Reader View' / Config (small icon on the left) / Keyboard Shortcuts ... and assign a valid key, et voila!

I've assigned Ctrl+Alt+R and it's true pleasure!

Menu Wizard + Firefox = Tweak^2

Fantastic. And that's just one of the many many things this add-on can perform. Amazing.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (5.01) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Custom Buttons

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

As user archpro mentioned, JS opens new links -- always -- in new windows regardless of the browser setting, and this is really a problem.

I have set 'Tab Mix Plus' to perform 'Single Window Mode', a new tab rather than a new window is consistent of modern browsers and whatever add-on must leave this option available.

I am frustrated because I have several JScripts I wished to bring into buttons and 'Custom Buttons' because of its requirement of a new window when the browser is set to new tab is truly a handicap.

Please do get this policy or bug fixed.

Redirect Bypasser

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Frustration. Once installed 'Redirect Bypasser' ran flawlessly and really efficiently, managed redirects where other similar add-ons failed to. But after restarting Firefox the add-on didn't appear to be running (no menu, no redirection) and its Option page was empty, only the title and 2-3 references on the top-right (images with no link) -- about:config showed that settings were in place, yet the add-on failed to run.

I have 70 add-ons which may induce a compatibility problem, and if other users encounter no issue than I'd be dishonest to rate this add-on according to my own experience. When it runs, here, it's brilliant. I'll score on that only, hoping to find the solution.