Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

The developer of "Expand mailing list recipients" at: "" could do with a sorting function, after expanding the distribution list. Could you share your add-on with him so he can make it compatible for TB 60.8.0 and sort the recipients after expanding? The two add-on's complement one another.

Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Great, but be of help if it handled Bcc:'s as well. Do you intend to make it compatible with v60's +? Thanks

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Great Addon but the sorting does not work if there are accented letters in the names of the recipients. So bad because I would use this addon frequently.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Von so einer Erweiterung träume ich schon lange. Leider ist sie noch sehr unvollständig. Vermutich darf man bei so einer niedrigen Versions-Nr. (0.xx.xx) auch nicht zuviel erwarten.
Was fehlt:
1.) Mit dem Button "Sortieren" kann man nur auswählen, WONACH man sortieren will, aber nicht WAS. Dafür muß man zusätzlich den Button "Erweiterungen" einbinden, sonst kann man keinerlei Auswahl treffen.
2.) Warum die Beschränkung auf "An" und "CC"? Auch bei Mails mit vielen "BCC"-Adressaten würde ich gerne den Überblick wahren.
Trotzdem 4 Punkte für die Idee und als Vorschuss-Lorbeer.
Bei der nächsten Version dürfen es auch gerne mehr Punkte werden.
Eine zusätzliche Frage: Ist es möglich bzw. wird es möglich sein, auch bei bereits gesendeten Mails die Adressaten zu sortieren?
That's one of the extensions I always dreamt of. Unfortunately its very incomplete yet. Maybe You should not expect too much in such an early version (0.xx.xx).
What is missing:
1.) With the "Sort"-Button You can only choose, HOW You want to sort, but not WHAT. You have to install the "Extensions"-Button, otherwise You cannot make any selection.
2.) Why only sort "To" and "CC"? Even with mails with many "BCC"-addresses I would like to get a sorted overview.
Despite of all I give 4 point for the good idea and the things to (hopefully) come in the future.
I'm looking forward to give more points to the next version.
One additional question: Is it or willit be possible to sort addresses of mails already sent?

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

The only thing missing is an option to make this default TB behaviour. Until then 4 stars :-)

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Very useful and handy, because it also allows to sort "To" first, and "CC"second.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Love it but cannot use it with my new tb version. Needs update!!!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.2.4) del componente aggiuntivo.