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Addon still works perfectly in TB 68 if you're willing to do moderate editing to the files. Instructions here. . .


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, create "manifest.json" in a text editor and populate as follows (first bracket to last bracket):

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Select Addressbook Text",
"description": "Copy and paste a name, phone number, address or other text from your Thunderbird address book quickly, with just a single menu click.",
"version": "1.5",
"applications": {
"gecko": {
"id": "",
"strict_min_version": "68.0"
"author": "Craig B. Markwardt",
"legacy": {
"type": "xul"

3. Save the file. Note that the JSON syntax is *very* finicky, and so much as one missing punctuation mark may cause the addon not to load. Copy and overwrite this addon's info over a manifest from a working TB 68 addon if you run into trouble. (Note also: this is a quick-and-dirty single language manifest; they can easily be localized per the TB Addon Developer website.)

4. Unzip "select_addressbook_text.jar" from the "../chrome" subfolder using 7-zip or another extractor.

4. Open "overlay.js" file in the "../content/" subfolder of the extracted .JAR archive with a text editor. Search and replace the following string (NOTE: preceding -'s and +'s are for illustration only):
- strbundle = document.getElementById("sab_address_strings");
+ let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://select_addressbook_text/locale/");
+ let strings = bundle.GetStringFromName("sab_address_strings");

5. Save file.

6. Open "overlay.xul" in the "../content/" subfolder of the extracted .JAR archive with a text editor. Search and replace the following strings (x2):
- type="application/x-javascript"
+ type="application/javascript"

7. In "overlay.xul", delete or comment out the following lines:
- <stringbundleset id="sab_address_stringbundleset">
- <stringbundle id="sab_address_strings" src="chrome://select_addressbook_text/locale/"/>
- </stringbundleset>

8. Save file.

9. ZIP up all files from the extracted .JAR archive, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .jar, and rename file "select_addressbook_text.jar". Replace original .JAR of same name.

10. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

11. Install in TB 68.


Casual tests show it working flawlessly.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

This addon is fully functional in TB 60 by bumping the maxVersion or setting "extensions.strictCompatibility" to "false" in about:config.

To change the maxVersion, follow these instructions:


1. Unzip the .xpi file (change extension to .zip to extract natively, or use 7-Zip or other extractor).

2. In extracted root folder, open "install.rdf" file in a text editor.

3. Search for "<em:maxVersion>" string, and change the version number to "60.*" (no quotes).

4. Save file.

5. ZIP up addon, keeping complete folder structure. Change .zip extension to .xpi.

6. Install in TB 60.
