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I'm not getting an importexporttools ng submenu under tools, just stock "import" and only giving"Becky's internet email" (wtf?) and Outlook as options, no mbox. Tried reinstalling addon, no joy. TB 68 on W10. So not useful for me ATM.

Just as a follow up, I was able to open the gmail-exported mbox by pointing the storage location for 'local folders' at it. Then it just appeared there, I clicked on it, and now it's indexing.

Not sure what, if any role the addon played in this (?).

Maybe it will help with exports.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (4.0.4) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thanks and sorry for the issues.
From your description it seems like either there was an installation problem or some preferences error resulting in the menus not being installed. Can you open the developer counsel and copy the entire output?
Then t's really best we track this in the repository issues:

Placing the file in a local folder "auto included" the mbox file,
the extension did not to anything for that.
It still sounds like you have an installation problem since you do not see the menus. can you capture the debug console?