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I don\'t use yahoo!, seamonkey and others, I only needed the gmail option, without the additional popup menu. Here is how to easily change the context menu so that the last entry will simply be Gmail this (alt+G):\r\nGo to the extentsion directory (C:\\Documents and Settings\\$YourName$\\Application Data\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\q1gnqmvo.default\\extensions)\r\nand enter the GmailThis extension dir (probably\r\nNow enter the \'chrome\' dir. There you will see the gmailthis.jar file, which is the compilation of the addon, but you don\'t have to be a programmer to change it, since it is a simple archive, that you can open with WinRar. (Use \"open with\" option, since it won\'t open by WinRar if you simply double-click it).\r\nNow when it is opened in WinRar, goto \'content\' dir, there you will see the emailthis.xul file. It has the definitions for the mouse context menu. Open drag and drop the file to,say,desktop and open in text editor. Go to the end of the file, find the popup id="contentAreaContextMenu" section. Now simply remove all that annoying menus, and slightly edit the context menu - just replace the hole menu up to it closing tag - with the following code: (replace the [ and ] brackets with less and more signs)
[popup id="contentAreaContextMenu"]
[menuitem id="emailthis-menu" insertafter="Properties" label="Gmail This!" command="emailthis-gmail" accesskey="g" key="emailthis-key-gmail" /]
Here you go !

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.1.4) del componente aggiuntivo.