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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome periboob
Utente da Marzo 5, 2007
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


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Years ago I wrote a batch file using the Windows FTP command line tool to update my personal web page at my ISP. One double-click and done. But my [unbelievably gross and obscene expletive deleted] ISP changed their process and broke my little tool. FireFTP works. Takes a couple of extra clicks, but is much more flexible. Thanks!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Excellent! Without this add-on, I would be very tempted to revert back to an older version of T-bird.

This should be built-in. I cant imagine what type of user habits would benefit from that big clump of wasted space at the top of each message. Maybe a desperate L-user who forwards or replies to every message?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1.7) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Sachio Search Toolbar

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It was quite a chore finding this Add-on. For some reason my searches through AMO* usually produced no good results. I was looking for a way to add to the context menu, and this did not show up--but I persisted, and I am glad I did.

I am a big fan of Google, and the Google Toolbar, but that was not quite enough. Now and then, I dont want to search the web, just maybe Wikipedia, maybe a dictionary, maybe Yahoo-Answers, or some other specialized information source. To aid in this, for several years I have had a folder on my Bookmarks toolbar filled with "Bookmarklets" which would do custom searches. But I could never make the bookmarklet search-results open a new tab. Plus the button was all the way up there on the toolbar.

Sachio Search Toolbar solved my problem. I dont care for the toolbar, dont even remember what it looks like--I keep it turned off. But I love the context menu. I love that I can double click a word to select it, then right click it and click the custom search in the popup. I love that it is easily customizable. I was able to quickly add "search services" for IMDB and Acronym Finder, and I will likely add more. Just run your favorite site-specific search once manually, and copy the resulting URL, and paste it into the Sachio URL setting, with the "[KEYWORD]" tag replacing the original search term.

Sachio is going on my list of "must have" Firefox Add-ons. I cant figure why this Add-On is not more popular. Maybe it needs a better description? More "tags"? Anyway, thanks Sachio. 5-stars.

* Note: If you had Sachio Search installed, and had added to the service with 4 clicks you could find that AMO is short for (website)

Google Contacts

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Worked very well after I got it configured. Had used before with good results, but the setup menu like many minor menus on Ubuntu+Netbook, is too large ofor the screen, and does not scroll. Had to mess with the hotkeys (alt+F7, I think) to move and resize the screen to be able to get to the bottom controls. Otherwise worked fine.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.5.56) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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An excellent add-on. Works well with the "antipagination" extension, to archive web data. Some forums and such can be tedious to save otherwise. Antipagination lines them up, and UnMHT mows them down.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (5.2.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Fills an irritating gap in saving my words. Since forums of any stripe are vulnrable to crashing, reformatting, being taken down, I like to save my contributions occasionally. A handy way is to use the repagination add-on. But in Firefox, not all forums will let you save (as HTML) the result of a repaginated collection of pages.

(Does Firefox have to go back to the internet to re-download when I save a file? --seems so for me)

But UnMHT works fine for what I need--not just to save space, but to provide functions that I could not do otherwise.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Custom Buttons

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Or so 0.2.7 says. What a pain. Hope I have a backup somewhere. I really have gotten dependent on my custom \"Close Tab\" button, now this.\r\n
=== next day ===
I got 0.2.6 running again. But it may not have been the fault of CB. Had several other extensions claim incompatibility at the same time.
Whew, I was having withdrawal symptoms.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo.