harry haller

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome harry haller
Utente da Marzo 5, 2007
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Le mie recensioni

Print pages to Pdf

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

This is great - I can now get rid of SB (Scrapbook/Scrapbook+). I've never been comfortable with my dependence on SB because the stored material can only be read with FF (Firefox) and the SB addon. With this I can store everything that SB does, and read it and share it independently of FF and the SB addon.

It works very well. The only slight "blemishes" that I've encountered are with Wiki, where it has problems with images - but that is of no consequence since Wiki produces its own pdf's.

Also, sometimes the fonts are a bit blurry. But I emphasise, these are really minor matters.

I can really recommend this addon.

My configuration: Firefox 14 running on Linux.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 


Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Excellent! It works in Linux!

Thanks to Darkoshi for the instructions. After creating the xml file in the chrome directory (which may have to be created as well), RESTART the browser.

Gemal's homepage is excellent. That is very important for a good addon - plenty of documentation.

A further improvement would be if one could also submit the url of the current page to launchy as well. But I am already very satisfied with it as it is :)