Graham Miller

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Graham Miller
Località Veteran Qld Australia
Utente da Gen. 21, 2013
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

English (Australian) Dictionary

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Cameron's website is gone si I am guessing that this dictionary is abandoned. If I could figure out how to take the extension over, I would because the fix to make it install on Thunderbird 45 is trivial.
Here is what I did:-
1. Download the extension to local hard disk.
2. Using an archive manager, extract the files to its own directory.
3. Edit install.rdf and adjust the following lines:
- em:version 2.2 /em:version
+ em:version 2.2.1 /em:version
!-- Firefox --
- em:maxVersion 33.* /em:maxVersion
+ em:maxVersion 50.* /em:maxVersion
!-- Thunderbird --
- em:maxVersion 33.* /em:maxVersion
+ em:maxVersion 45.* /em:maxVersion
4. Save file
5. Edit install.js and adjust the following line:
- var err = initInstall("English (Australian) Dictionary", "", "2.2");
+ var err = initInstall("English (Australian) Dictionary", "", "2.2.1");
6. Save file
7. Select all files and "dictionaries" folder and create a new zip file.
Make sure it uses "deflate" as the compression type.
I called the zip file english_australian_dictionary-2.2.1-tb+sm+fx.xpi which is just a rename of the saved zip file changing .zip to .xpi
8. Go into thunderbird add-ons and using the little gear icon, select "Install Add-on from File", choose the new xpi file and it will install.
By the way, it also seems to work in Firefox 50.x

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 


Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

All popup dialogs repeat their message following straight on from the end of the 1st.
I also had some trouble with the display of mailing list members in the address book which "seems" to have gone away once this extension was disabled. Not sure why that would be.
I am on Windows 7 pro with Thunderbird 45.1.1

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.10) del componente aggiuntivo.