Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Amazing add-on, easy to use and customize.
Custom thumbnail size for all dials.
Adding search engines to speed dial was a great idea (also good that you don't need to focus exactly on text input lines to start writing in search box - easier aiming).

Request: PLEASE add option to remove "Add page to speed start >" from all context menus, i never use that from pages directly and it's really annoying.

A small suggestion: make an option to center the names+favicon of dial (in Options - Extra - Misc). Because right now everything is aligned to the left, it's not always visually proper.

EDIT: tried beta, context line removal works now! Thanks for very quick fix

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0.5) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thank you for review and suggestions! To test option "Don't show in context menu" try this version - If you have any other considerations please write to support forum.