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Please Please Please

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Hello, can you please create version for Firefox Quantum?
Thank you

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Launchy was an extremely useful add-on of Firefox . I used it for years but it does not work anymore with Firefox ESR 45.2.0.
How can I fix it? Or should I downgrade Firefox?

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I still don't understand how to use Launchy with normal left click, not right click+context menu, if there is only one application defined for that action (open html link). Using right click + Launchy + selecting the application from the context menu is not too user friendy.
It works, except for that issue, very well.

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It was a good extension. Too bad it does more walking ... Instead I found "Open With" which does the same job

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5 stars for when it worked. 1 star now because it no longer works in Firefox ver 45. I found this a very useful add-on and hope someone updates it.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle now I chose the following solution: de-activated updates ---> installed Firefox version is frozen at 44.0.2

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Deserves a full Viking funeral.

Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

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who knows how to fix it?

мозила по всей видимости потихоньку убивает старые расширения чтобы перейти на хромовские

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Help! It does not work anymore with Firefox 45.

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Stopped working for me as of firefox 45. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no luck...

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Does not work with Firefox 45.

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It was a great extension while it worked. With a single click, you could redirect a page or pictures to other programs on your computer. Unfortunately, hasn't been updated in years and probably never will.

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No options to select in the GUI. Needs to be improved in all ways.

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It's a shame, but this extension doesn't work any more. :(

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Great addon!
I would love to considerably contribute, if you could enlarge the function of LAUNCHY in the way the firefox addon "selection links" is functioning. it allows to "encircle" several links and let them all open with one single click...

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@Paul Osborne: Also perfect in FF 24! ;-))
@gwi2011: NOT working in TB 24.01 ;-((

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Addon officially dead for Firefox 23.

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Follow the instructions provided by Paul Osborne ( (thanks for that), but additionally replace all occurrences of '' with 'gContextMenu.linkURL' in main.js (Line 216, 381 and 421). This will fix the 'Permission denied' error.

It's now working for me with TB 17.0.2.

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This is still one of my favourite extensions, but it is starting to lose compatability. I have just submitted a fix to a bug that stops it creating temporary files for other software to use (on Windows), so I hope it will get an update. In the meantime, if you're determined to get it to work I recommend doing this:

Download from the 'Add to Firefox' link.
Rename it to
Extract the contents of
In the contents folder, extract the contents of launchy.jar (I used IZArc for this).
Go into the 'contents' folder and open main.js.

Change line 470 from:

persist.saveURI(URI, null, null, null, null, f);


var privacy = PrivateBrowsingUtils.privacyContextFromWindow(window);
persist.saveURI(URI, null, null, null, null, f, privacy);

Recompress 'contents', 'locale' and 'skin' to a new launchy.jar (I used IZArc again) and delete these 3 folders.
Replace the original launchy.jar with the new one.
Recompress it all to, being careful to keep the same folder structure.
To check the folder structure, open and you should see the 'chrome' folder directly inside (and more). Directly inside 'chrome' should be launchy.jar and nothing else. Directly inside launchy.jar should be the 'contents', 'locale' and 'skin' folders.
Rename the new zip file to and drop it back into your extensions folder (or drag and drop it on an open Firefox window to install).
Give it 5 stars or donate something!

It still does not detect all compatible software on Windows x64, but you can use launchy.xml for this, see: