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This extension / dictionary has not been updated for a long time (early 2008), and as such, is not compatible with Thunderbird 3.1, nor is is compatible with Firefox later than version 3.0b1. This can be fixed by changing the maxVersion lines in the install.rdf file. As the dictionary file format doesn't seem to have changed recently, it's just a limitation of the use of an extension to easily install the dictionary.

Look for a line like the following under the product name you're wanting to use it with (Firefox, Thunderbird, Chatzilla, etc).

Change it to the version you're using (in my case, Thunderbird 3.1, and I put the .* in so I don't have to edit the file again for minor updates to Thunderbird


If you're unfamiliar with the process of editing xpi files... they're just like zip files... you just need to extract all the files, edit the install.rdf file, and then re-zip up the files and rename it so it ends with .xpi

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.1.1) del componente aggiuntivo.