Mike Pretzlaw

Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Mike Pretzlaw
Utente da Set. 18, 2012
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

WebApp Tabs

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

It is a very nice extension if you want to keep everything social in Thunderbird. Unfortunately every new Tab like Facebook will cost you great performance.

Don't use Facebook in it, because this means up to 50% work load on your CPU. G+ with Twitter, HootSuite and Google Calendar open will cost only up to 20% or 50% when browsing.

In general: It is not good for permanent browsing sites because your machine goes hot with that. For simple pages and light status updates it is okay.