Rahul Amaram

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Rahul Amaram
Utente da Aprile 2, 2013
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

WebApp Tabs

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This is a simple useful addon which does exactly what it says. I wanted to have all my collaboration access from thunderbird and this included task management app "TickTick". I simple configured TickTick to load as a new tab and so far it has been working flawlessly. I don't need to go to the browser now for adding and modifying tasks and have my calendering events & tasks lists side-by-side in Thunderbird :).

Remember Passwords

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Useful plugin. Thanks for making it compatible with Firefox 20.

KDE Wallet password integration

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As a follow up to my previous comment about firefox sync not working, I have observed that the passwords which are already present in the password manager before setting up sync, are sync'ed successfully as soon as sync is set up. However, any subsequent passwords added to the password manager don't seem to be sync'ed. Now, I am not sure whether this is a bug related to this plugin or firefox sync server (I'm running my own sync server). However, the simple fix for this is that whenever I want my passwords to be sync'ed I just select "Preferences" option, go to "Sync" tab and do a "Reset Sync ..." -> "Recommended: Merge this device's data with my Sync data" on my laptop. I then wait for a few minutes and all my passwords are sync'ed from my laptop to my sync server successfully. This then automatically gets sync'ed to my other devices where I am using Firefox.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

KDE Wallet password integration

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Great Addon. Integrates well with Kwallet (tested in thunderbird and firefox). However, sync does not seem to work in firefox (only weave password and weave encryption password are sync'ed). I am using Iceweasel in Debian testing with my own sync server. But I don't think that could be the problem. Could there be any patch to be applied? Also, the support site seems to be down.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) del componente aggiuntivo.