Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

Something is wrong with mapping of the fields and updating contacts in Gmail. I have been using Thunderbird 3.1.9 for Windows 7 and Zindus 0.8.29. Some contacts never get synced, some fields don't update - like address. Counts of contacts don't match. I have been using Zindus on and off for last two years and sometimes noticed problems. I would have switched to other syncing addons, but others seemed to have worse problems so far. So so far, I am used to live with partially synced contacts and fix some of mismatches by hand. The worst mismatch is synking of name fields - Gmail has first and last name one way, but Thunderbird often has those blank and uses the screen name which is partly automatically generated. As a result some of the contacts in google end up with blank names. Since I am syncing my Gmail also to my blackberry, the contacts with blank names dont sync to blackberry. Alltogether the syncing ends up partial, with occasional duplicates.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.29) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Originally it seemed to work fine, but then, I noticed that it fails to sync some of my most used contacts. I had real trouble with figuring out what is wrong. Finally, I think, I found the problem. I think it is not syncing those contacts that are (in addition to be in main contacts) are added to groups (like friends group). Removing all the groups immediately fixed the problem. Funniest thing of all, I think "google contacts" addon by Ogi had exactly same problem. Strange. Also I found options confusing. Like "groups" disabled option is not clear what it means. But now it seems to work fine... Finally...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.13) del componente aggiuntivo.