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Couldn't get it to work on Mac using TB8.0b2. No matter what settings were made, no change in behaviour of TB, even after multiple restarts and setting options on/off. I assumed it would work as I could install ok, but after that it did nothing.
Removed and looking for alternatives.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.6.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

I sorry Unified Search not work for you, I successfully tested on Thunderbird 8.0 beta and 9.0a2 (earlybird) on Windows XP, 7, Linux Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10, but I cannot test on Mac.
Other users with Mac and stable Thunderbird 5, 6, 7.0.1 let me know that Unified Search works for them, and with the small changes do it over current unestable-beta Thunderbird versions It sounds that must work.

Maybe I can help you, and you to me with feedback, please try:

- After install it and restart (only once, like most extensions) and with default options, go to the global search box up right (if you have Thunderbird built-in option 'enable global search and indexer' checked at Options->Advanced->General) and write something: your current selected folder must be filtered with the words you type (this is the 'enable quick filtering on search box' option).

- Open the Thunderbird Quick Filter bar: filter-box must be disappeared, because you can just filter from search box (option 'hide and disable quick filter box'; this behavior can be changed to hide the global search box and show filter box using this last to do filter and searchs -pressing keys Control+Enter to search and simply typping to filter-).

- Go to menu View->Toolbars->Customize: you will find a new widget called 'Unified Search Widget', drag&drop it on the toolbar, for example just right to global search box (I cannot add this widget automatically to the toolbar when extension install ;-( ); this widget have both filter and search capabilities with all the filter options in the dropdown menu or in the floating bar; if this better widget works for you, you can now remove global search box from toolbar (with 'customize') or hidded in the extension options (option 'hide and disable the global search box...') and hide too the quick filter bar (option 'hide and disable the quick filter bar...') to save vertical space.

All changes in options works without restart Thunderbird.

Please, try it in both beta and stable versions and let me know which fails for you, maybe we can fix-it in next releases.

Thanks for the feedback,