Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Here is the reply concerning the post installation issues I listed below:

"I have put the newer file on the official add-ons site (AMO). Just they can take a very long time to approve updates."

Post installation note: There are some issues about this download I have posted on the support site at:

Otherwise, I stand by my original review:

As stated, it includes a lot of buttons. I haven't checked but after installing this ad-on there is probably a button for every function on the browser. All added buttons go to your customize screen so installation is seamless and transparent. Just right click > customize and there is your same customize toolbar box along with a bunch of new buttons added to FF's basic offering. Drag and drop as before. Worth having even if you only us a couple of them.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo.