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Scottish Gaelic spell checker 3.3.1webext
di Akerbeltz, Kevin Scannell
An open (traditional spellings and GOC inclusive) spell-checking addon for Scots Gaelic, which will correct over 1.7 million words, making it the biggest spell-checking dictionary to date.
Informazioni su questo componente aggiuntivo
Please note the following:
► This is an open spellchecker. Whichever spelling school you follow, there are gaps and inconsistencies in all of them. Therefore this tool will accept any spelling that is correct in both traditional systems and GOC. For example, it will accept mór and mòr, doras and dorus and dàinig and tàinig. It's up to you to pick a system and follow it.
Once you've installed it, go to:
► Innealan/Tools
► Roghainnean/Options
► Roghainnean adhartach/Advanced Options
► Put a tick against Ceartachadh-litreachaidh beò/Check Spelling As You Type
This will then underline words you type that the spellchecker thinks are wrong. Right click to see the suggestion