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do you know how to use it for drop box,mega,box, GoogleDrive, pCloud for thunderbird.
going to pydio support site has many fields, but how to fill VAT field.
is it simple signup, or is it more than that.
if its more than that, then why they presented it as simple sign up.

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Version 1.4.2 fixed the problems I had with the latest Thunderbird release (45.1.1) and improved compatibility with Pydio v6.0.8.
Thanks for the good job ! :)

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cool :D

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Hi Diego, Can I help you developing the upgrade?

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Great job, thank you a lot

But i have a problem to the URL Link generated inside the email text, we don t have the real one.
It s just e link to our ftp, not a specific link to the file

Do you have any idea to help me?
but your work deserv 4 stars for sure ;)

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.4.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Thanks for your review, I'm glad you like it.

There are many reasons why link couldn't be generated. Sometimes when you upload a file the server configuration doesn't allow ajaxplorer/pydio generate the link instantly.

I need more information about your problem. Please contact me via email or create a new ticket in

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After many trials I got the Addon to login into AjaXplorer, but while configuration it doesn't show the available repositories.Now I see only the spinning wheel in the settings dialog.

The next lines show the status as of 2013-10-07 with coming version 1.40 of the addon.

Because of the excellent support of the developer I raised my rating from one to four stars.

The issue is still not resolved (possibly a Thunderbird/Filelink rsp. Thunderbird/Profile issue).

It would be very helpful to have some debugging feature that the user get a hint about the cause of his problem: rsp. login failed, certificate invalid, issuer unknown, URL not valid...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

If you see the spinning wheel in the settings dialog then you logged in but you couldn't get the repository list. There are many reasons for that: web server configuration, HTTPS/SSL certificates,...

If you really want to use this addon, please contact me via mail and send me your ajaxplorer account settings to test the addon and try to fix it.

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Module installation and configuration was painless. I was able to successfully share files via Ajaxplorer in under 2 minutes.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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First thanks for this very usefull add-on. But I've a very strange problem. The url inserted in the mail are begining with http instead of https. The upload of the file works well and if I manually had the "s" to the url it works. Any idea ?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 


I'm glad you find it useful.

The URL to the shared file is based on the URL introduced when you configure the addon. If you have a default ajaxplorer installation and you can upload files via http you should be able download them via http.

Could you have changed the 'Download URL' setting (Settings->Global Configurations->Core Configs->AjaXplorerCore->Sharing) to another value diferent from default?

I hope I have helped you. If the problem persists you can contact me at:


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thank you very much for this module we were hoping for month, to give a nice in-house alternative to you send-it and the other commercial providers, where you never know what they do with your data, how they may exploit then.

The module works perfectly, and is very well designed :

we find very convenient that we can choose between our different repositories on Ajaxplorer where to store the files send from Thunderbird, and very convenient that we don't have to give the login and password if they are same as the mail credentials.

Please note also that at first we made a mistake in the path of the Ajaxplorer server we have to mention in the module settings. And Diego the developper give us quickly and precisely the tip that permit us to debug our mistake !
[Because we forgot we had an Apache rewrite rule on our ajaxplorer server - from to - , we should have given to the module settings the path where is index.php. Once we did it , it worked perfectly ]


Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Hi Vincent,

At first, thanks for writing. Let's see...

Ajaxplorer for Filelink should work with an ajaxplorer default installation, it doesn't need any special settings. The addon doesn't need WebDAV, so you can disable it if you want.

Can it be because of the URL? To run any action, the addon sends the requests to the index.php page which is in the root directory of ajaxplorer. When you configure the extension using, the requests will be sent to If the URL is correct, a dialog with the list of available repositories will be shown and if it isn't, you will be waiting until the end of the times (sorry, my mistake). I tested the addon and only if I use an incorrect URL I could get the same error as you describe.

I hope I have helped you. If the problem persists you can contact me at:
