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This used to be one of my favourite add-ons. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked at all since at least TB5, and the author appears to have abandoned it -- my recent pleas to him to fix the problem have gone unanswered.

I've delayed upgrading from TB 3.1.16, holding out the faint hope that Country Lookup would get fixed, but it's obvious to me now that this simply isn't going to happen. And I have no experience at all writing TB add-ons myself, nor do I have the time right now to climb a steep learning curve in order to try to fix the problem myself, and it doesn't appear that anyone else out there has the required expertise, time, or interest either.

The "MailHops" add-on (suggested by someone else as a possible replacement) has issues of its own, but at least there seems to be some hope of getting those problems addressed -- unlike Country Lookup, which sadly appears to be gone for good.

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I love this add-on, but it stopped working around Thunderbird version 5. I've refused so far to update TB 3 on my home machine because I'm unwilling to give up this add-on.

I've looked at the code for Country Lookup version 2.0, but I have no experience with Mozilla add-on development and really don't know where to start. The last I heard from the developer, he was very busy with school and simply didn't have any time to track down the problem that breaks this add-on in the current Thunderbird. Any suggestions on where to find someone else who might be willing to look at the code for this add-on?