Matt Homes

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Matt Homes
Utente da Gen. 14, 2015
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

User Agent Switcher

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I love it, it's very useful and also you can import different user agents and make tests with them. You can track how your product will act in different cases. Awesome!


Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

AdBeaver was installed today on top of a ShowIP update 2.7.7. I was asked whether I want it or not during the update process. I have read some of the reviews here and users complain that it was installed without their approval and they had no idea what it is. I don't understand that and it seems like there is more frustration than actual truth to it. I have copy pasted the prompt text so everyone understands why I think this is all bs:

"Thank you for using ShowIp. We added new monetization feature for ShowIP. Collect Adcoins for every ad shown on your screen. AdBeaver and adblock plus extension will be added upon browser restart. Please click OK to proceed with ShowIP AdBeaver plugin for a rewarding surfing experience. We appreciate your support. Thank you!"

Firstly I think users should read before they click and secondly if you click 'ok' then you can't claim that you had no idea which other plugins were installed. I also found more information about AdBeaver and how it's related to ShowIP on the ShowIP page. There it says:

"Fair monetization - please support us with an "ok"

ShowIP asks you to install AdBeaver which helps you and us to collect coins and save money while surfing the web through price comparison. You will get asked in a prompt whether you want that additional addon to be installed or not. We appreciate your support. Thank you! The AdBeaver extension is save to use and follows Mozilla guidelines. Of course ShowIp can also be used without it. Also the additional addons can be removed anytime later in the addon settings.

Enjoy it now!"

So here is what I think about AdBeaver!
It rewards or compensates you for being exposed to all these sometimes really annoying Ads on the internet. The good thing is that you just have to surf and don't have to answer surveys or watch videos or the likes. If you ever tried to make some bucks on the side while being online, you will have noticed that there is no such thing as a free lunch. You always have to do something. So that's great. How much you can make, that's still to be proven. From what I saw in my account they give me 0,33 EUR for 1000 coins. Thats not that bad. But since I have installed it only today I will have to see how long it takes to get there. This will imho also be the make or break for AdBeaver, cause if it takes too long to accumulate coins, users will leave the service again. But in any case the idea is great! The AdBeaver guys should think of some referral scheme so very active users have a chance to earn more coins if they refer other people.

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