Elle Mitchell

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Elle Mitchell
Utente da Ott. 16, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

User Agent Switcher

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works as intended, no imcompatibilities with my 60+ other add-ons.

One problem: I have the icon positioned in my navigation toolbar. Everytime the mouse sweeps over the icon it's dropdown menu opens. This is annoying and distracting. Please fix this so that the dropdown opens only when the icon is clicked., or allow selection of one's preferred action as an option.

Tabs Menu

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Like EroMraB I would like to be able to move the Tab menu (or preferably, a representative icon) to the navigation bar for direct access. I too am hiding my menu (via Personal Menu 4.1.3) and having to click Alt, then click the Tab menu adds an unnecessary step. A hidden Personal Menu also closes automatically after a selection is made in any of the menu bar drop-downs, thus engendering extra clicks to return to the Tab menu list.

I _am_ keeping this for now as nothing beats it when dealing with 10 or more tabs simultaneously.

Favicons Downloader

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I have several thousand bookmarks and left the add-on to run overnight after monitoring the process for the first hour. Fortunately all the interrupts (approximately six, for log-ins and required certificates) occurred prior to then.

Many bookmarks weren't updated but random checks seem to support the fact that those websites do not have associated favicons. The majority of sites in my bookmarks file did not have favicons, but some of the links are several years old and may not have ever assigned one. Newer sights and smaller bookmark collections will probably reflect a higher percentage of favicons added.

Besides a determinate progress bar, a counter/error checker is in order, even if it only displays at the end of the process -- something like "#X favicons added, no favicons detected for #Y bookmarks, #Z websites unreachable." Or at least "Process complete." This morning there was nothing to indicate that the process was finished except the absence of the progress bar.

Overall, it is a good effort.

Favicons Downloader

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I have several thousand bookmarks and left the add-on to run overnight after monitoring the process for the first hour. Fortunately all the interrupts (approximately six, for log-ins and required certificates) occurred prior to then.

Many bookmarks weren't updated but random checks seem to support the fact that those websites do not have associated favicons. The majority of sites in my bookmarks file did not have favicons, but some of the links are several years old and may not have ever assigned one. Newer sights and smaller bookmark collections will probably reflect a higher percentage of favicons added.

Besides a determinate progress bar, a counter/error checker is in order, even if it only displays at the end of the process -- something like "#X favicons added, no favicons detected for #Y bookmarks, #Z websites unreachable." Or at least "Process complete." This morning there was nothing to indicate that the process was finished except the absence of the progress bar.

Overall, it is a good effort.