* Fix preference storage location: migrate all prefs from 'perspectives.X' to 'extensions.perspectives.X'. This is a requirement of hosting addons on
addons.mozilla.org -
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews#Full_Review All credit and thanks to Alexey Vesnin for the move and code to gracefully migrate existing user prefs. Thanks Alexey!
* Mark some tests as known failures, to identify for long-term fixing
* Add error checking for security level preference to correct invalid values
* Remove unused preference 'show_label'
* Internal code cleanup (fix === checks; remove dead code; fix addProgressListener usage)
* Add wrapper functions to retrieve preferences, overrideService, and stringbundle strings
Fixes one bug where 'root_prefs' object was not initialized;
but overall removes the need to intitialize the Perspectives object at all.
It can and should handle its own internal state.
This starts to isolate the usage of direct browser internals,
which would be required to port to other browsers.
Also makes the code much more stable and testable.
* Clean up the init code to use the new wrapped preference and stringbundle functions