Nessun voto

Guys, for the love of all that is good, PLEASE reinstate the "delete means delete" functionality as it was in previous releases, or at least give the user the option to delete an article with the delete key, rather than just striking it out. I cannot express strongly enough the white-hot intensity with which I detest the new behavior. Hate is far too mild a word. Contempt doesn't even come close. I'd rather have bamboo shot under my fingernails while being tasered and pepper sprayed than have to keep switching folders (then switching back) to get rid of the articles I've deleted. This [mis]feature is a total deal killer for me. I thought my quest for a good feed reader was over, but now it looks like my search starts again from scratch. Blecchh...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.8.2) del componente aggiuntivo.