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Thanks for your answer !
I didn't see any bug (fortunately or not?) but it simply didn't work for my Fx 8. (I already tried some monthes ago with Fx 4.0)
Yes, I used Glass – Milk
And my Firefox is the Windows 32 bit French version (in Geneva, Switzerland, we're used to speak French :-)
But in fact you give me an idea... will try to deactivate my theme to see how will Bitacora and/or Link Status Redox without it.
If I don't put a new comment very soon, it will mean no positive change interaction between the add and my Fx 8.0

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

Sorry to write it, but doesn't work for my Firefox 8.0 (:-
Nor Link Status 1.6 nor Link Status Redux 2.0...
a pity for me (:-

Did you see some bug or it didn't work at all? (Link status redux didn't work either? it seems a good work). Are you using some Firefox theme?
Thanks for your opinion.