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Attachment Sizes 0.0.8 version is buggy and is not signed!

My review here shows as April 15, 2008 not April 15, 2009!
This is not a bug report as the bugs are long since reported and not fixed, hence a "flying Dutchman".
Not signed and the measurement display are minor but are really the only changes from the 0.0.5 and are pertinent to people deciding to go to the other website and update it or not.

Is there an alternative add-on that displays in KB/kb?
If you still use the 0.0.5 version then stick with it because the "updated 0.0.8" is not worth the time and effort.

Bug: I changed the decimal places to 0 and I still get 1 decimal place
ie "32.7 kB" instead of "33 KB". Bug: The new version has a size bug.

Which someone posted a "corrected" version that seems very, very unofficial...
0.0.8 has only the kB and KiB formats.
I'd like to see KB -1024 and kb -1000 available too.
(KB/MB/GB/TB/PB/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 10.7KB / 11KB, (kb/mb/gb/tb/pt/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 10.4kb / 10kb, (Kb/Mb/Gb/Tb/Pb/etc...) ie. 10676 Bytes = 85408 bits

Technical Note:
KB = KiloBytes = 1024 Bytes, kb = kilobytes = 1000 binary Bytes, Kb = Kilobits = 8192 (1024 Bytes * 8 bits = 8192 Kb)

I changed my rating today because I'm still using (ver 0.0.5) this addon 3+ years later. But I can't be bothered to upgrade TBird (for many reasons).
Anyways this addon seems pretty stable and more reliable then others I've tried.