Utente Firefox aef3e3

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Nome Utente Firefox aef3e3
Utente da Marzo 5, 2007
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


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Lots to like: simple, fast and light! Quicknote has been a workhorse over the years, so I'm naturally concerned that maintenance and development seems negligible. I've at times had to change maxversion in the rtf or go into the jar to change the icon size (24px), and there was a buggy version I downgraded (possibly current version, btw tab works great in old version with Firefox 3.6), but the tightness makes this is a keeper. Please save QN from code rot and give it new life for Firefox 4.0. Thanks!!!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.


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I've used QuickNote for years, which is very useful for retaining salient information chunks, and while I greatly appreciate the version bump and placement in AMO, I'm concerned by lack of maintenance (small things like options checkbox misbehavior and oversize toolbar icon.) The send highlighted text to quicknote feature makes it worthwhile b/c it's so efficient.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Tab Wheel Scroll

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Tabscroll functionality really should be builtin to Fx. No way does any keyboard shortcut have the same feel. There simply is no equal.

Small size: check
3.0 compabible: check (per install.rdf, I'm on 2.0)
Configurable: check

This is reportedly based on Dorando's miniT(tabscroll), which I've used for years, so even though I've just installed, I have full confidence in giving my 100% rating. Thanks!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (20080517) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Image Zoom

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I've used imagezoom for years and it's steadfast and true. Regarding Google maps, I just tested google maps, zoomed all the way in and out and imagezoom played no role because of the setting in Options > Content > "Enable Javascript" (selected, checked) > "Advanced Javascript Settings" > Allow scripts to: "Disable or replace context menus" (selected, checked). This means when you are on a site like Yahoo mail or Google maps, you added functionality designed by the website.

I think most of the mapping sites slice the maps up into smaller squares (grid style, maybe 4x3), and if instead of Google maps context menu zoom you used imagezoom (you did not have the correct setting, above), you'd be zooming only one of the squares, which would have a bad result. I vaguely recall experiencing many versions ago.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Linky is a lean extension that improves Fx functionality tremendously. My only quip is that three places to get several different versions which all purport to be the latest is wrong. Developers used to say the addons.org was too (insert adjective), but developers can't claim that and then claim the same for their own website. Multiple versions and sizes differences in a release version do not belong. They all work great, but that's not the point. So many websites and versions is not only painful for the user, but detracts from the perceived quality.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.7.1) del componente aggiuntivo.