
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome PowerShot
Località Norway
Lavoro IT
Utente da Luglio 13, 2012
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Dictionary Switcher

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To have this to work in Firefox:
You have to manually go into about:config and changed - extensions.dictionary-switcher.autodetect to true. But some times I have to get in to about:config again to switch in on, off and on again to work, even if it's "on" in extensions.dictionary-switcher.autodetect. Then it work again to switches languages.

To do this on Thunderbird:

Go in to in Thunderbird: Options>Advanced>Config Editor set this as 'true'

I hope they will fix this. Also autodetect as I write does not work. I'm on Windows 10, and with a clean installed OS, and only two language installed in Firefox.

This switcher should had been an included part of Firefox and Thunderbird.

Invia Dopo

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Work like a charm.

The mail is put into draft until sent. When it is sent, it will then put the sent message as standard in sent mail map of your client.

It will not send exactly at the minutes, because it depend on how often you let your mail check for sent and received mails. This time settings you can manage in your settings in Thunderbird.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (3.3.10) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Is It Compatible?

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When you see this sign " * " behind the version number, what does it mean?


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Can it read emails to?
