di Hottie-Doll
Informazioni su questa raccolta
More about this collection in my profile. The "Quickmovebutton" and "ShowFolderSize" add-ons are not on this website; check out Paolo "Kaosmos" on how to get them.
10 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta
Manually sort folders
di Jonathan Protzenko, Itagaki Fumihiko
10.590 utenti
Permette di ordinare manualmente sia gli account che le relative cartelle nel pannello laterale tramite la finestra delle impostazioni accedendovi selezionando il menu principale di Thunderbird "Strumenti -> Impostazioni di Manually sort folders…"
Nota dell’autore della raccolta To me the big deal with this add-on is that I can sort the ACCOUNTS. T-Bird has them in the order that you added them. That is just crazy, why would I want that?
Mail Redirect
di Onno Ekker, Pawel Krzesniak
2.432 utenti
Permette di reindirizzare i messaggi di posta elettronica
Nota dell’autore della raccolta This one adds a simple way to Redirect one email. Keep in mind If you forward or edit an email thing in the headers will be different (like dates) by redirecting you are not changing the header of the original message.
QuickFolders (Tabbed Folders)
di Realraven (Axel Grude), Alexander Malfait
14.755 utenti
The "Swiss army knife" of folders. Turn your favorites into tabs - open folders and subfolders, move mails without scrolling around or searching. powerful + easy.
See new mail at a glance after automatic filtering - supports quickFilters addon!
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Having folders in tab format can help a lot. Mainly because you can customize it so much. To much to get into here. Works with QuickFilters and like QickFilters they have a page on mozdev. Sadly both pages are poorly written. They explain simple things and not the small details but they do help some. Not easy writing up directions for add-ons that do so much.
di Realraven (Axel Grude)
12.826 utenti
Genera al volo dei filtri per i messaggi trascinando e e rilasciando (drag & drop) le email e analizzandone gli attributi.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Does a lot to help setup filters. To much to get into here. Works with QuickFolders and like QuickFolders they have a page on mozdev. Sadly both pages are poorly written. They explain simple things and not the small details but they do help some. It was very nice of him to try to write out what he did.
Account Colors
di DW-dev
3.142 utenti
Associates user-defined colors with POP3/IMAP accounts and identities. Applies these colors to accounts, identities, folders, message list, message headers and compose headers. Users will always know which accounts/identities they are working with.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Keeps me from using the wrong email to the wrong people.
Folder Pane View Switcher
di Jonathan Kamens, Arnd Issler
3.393 utenti
Folder view arrows; switch to "All Folders" view when hovering during drag & drop; allow user to select which views are enabled or tied to the view arrows.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Adds arrow buttons so you can change views of the folder tree. This simple add-on can remove the need for so many other ones. I have been using this add-on for so long now, I forgot that it was an add-on. I vaguely remember removing something like 5 add-ons after I got to using this one.
di Egor Potiomkin
28 utenti
Redirect action in the filters.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta This is a complex addon to understand. More so since the link to explain it (from the developer) is broken. Yet it is a very powerful tool to have. Kinda like resending an email as new to another place/person yet you can have the filter make a copy (or 2) for you if you want.
Folder Filters Button
di Chris Malek
479 utenti
Just a very simple add-on that adds a toolbar button to execute the "Run Filters on Folders" from Tools menu.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta This does the same EXACT same thing as if you go to the 'Tools' Menu, do a drop down to the "Run Filters on Folder"
di Ryan Lee
902 utenti
Introduces a preference that allows users to be prompted before moving folders.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta A nice safety to have. To be honest how many times do you ever MOVE a folder. When you do your moving a lot of them and if that is the case you can disable this add-on.
di gark87
0 utenti
Tired of writing a lot of filters? Install SmartFilters now to organise your mailbox automatically. It can sort out your mailing lists and robot emails.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta I love this addon. It is good for making filters AND folders on an exiting folder already being used. If you have no idea on how to make sub-folders out of a folder that is flowing over; start with this addon. You may have to rework the filter and rename the folder (I always to both) but it gets the folders and filter started for you.
Che cosa sono le raccolte?
Le raccolte sono gruppi di componenti aggiuntivi che ogni utente può creare e condividere.
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