Managing and Filing Emails

di AltanaESP Pty Ltd

17 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta

ImportExportTools di Paolo "Kaosmos"

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6.022 utenti

Aggiunge vari strumenti per l'esportazione e l'importazione di cartelle e messaggi
Nota dell’autore della raccolta When dealing with plenty of emails as primary means of communication and keeping record of activities, actions and/or decisions, one needs the flexible email import/export features of the ImportExportTools add-on. This add-on provide you with the ability to customize, manipulate and back-up emails as required.

Manually sort folders di Jonathan Protzenko, Itagaki Fumihiko

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10.223 utenti

Permette di ordinare manualmente sia gli account che le relative cartelle nel pannello laterale tramite la finestra delle impostazioni accedendovi selezionando il menu principale di Thunderbird "Strumenti -> Impostazioni di Manually sort folders…"
Nota dell’autore della raccolta As default Thunderbird list accounts and folders as entered the first time. No sorting, not even alphabetically, is done. It could be an irritation. Because depending on a changing workload, one would sometimes prefer to move folders and/or accounts that is frequently use to the top of the list and the less used accounts/folders, more to the bottom of the list. The Manually sort folders add-on allows you to do just that, its no longer necessary to be stuck with a rigid account/folder listing in Thunderbird. You can adapt account/folders displays to suit the way in which you prefer to work.

Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate) di Eyal Rozenberg

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92.967 utenti

Estensione per identificare e rimuovere i messaggi e-mail duplicati nelle cartelle di posta.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Moving emails from folder to folder, importing and organising emails, quite often results in emails being duplicated. Trying to locate duplicates are quite time consuming, however with the Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate) add-on, the process of finding duplicate emails in folders is easy and there is little excuse not to "clean-out" email folders to save disk space and protect folder integrity.

Mail Redirect di Onno Ekker, Pawel Krzesniak

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 144 recensioni

2.340 utenti

Permette di reindirizzare i messaggi di posta elettronica

QuickFolders (Tabbed Folders) di Realraven (Axel Grude), Alexander Malfait

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle 191 recensioni

14.507 utenti

The "Swiss army knife" of folders. Turn your favorites into tabs - open folders and subfolders, move mails without scrolling around or searching. powerful + easy.

See new mail at a glance after automatic filtering - supports quickFilters addon!
Nota dell’autore della raccolta When one wants to file and manage emails efficiently, it often implies quite a significant number of email folders. A frustrating task when you first, want to file emails in the right "places" and secondly to locate a carefully filed email. For a start, you have to find the right folder amongst many, providing you remember which folder contains the email you are looking for. Then after a considerable time trail-and-error, you somehow find the folder. Now to allocate the email in the folder. Finding a specific email, often is a task that keeps you busy for a whole morning. Not very productive I might add. Fortunately there is a nifty, handy and useful add-on called QuickFolders. This add-on allows you to arrange and re-arrange your emails folders in a flexible manner, which allows you to create a email filing structure that makes sense to you and suit your way of dealing (i.e. managing and filing) with emails the best. When combining the functionalities of the QuickFolders add-on, with the ExpressionSearch add-on, the TagToobar add-on and the SearchForSender add-on; one can easily reduce a whole morning of unproductive email searches, to about 15 minutes... 30 minutes tops.

PrintingTools di Paolo "Kaosmos"

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 43 recensioni

825 utenti

Aggiunge delle opzioni per la stampa dei messaggi e della rubrica
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The standard Thunderbird printing of email features is quite limited. The PrintingTools add-on have a number of features, options and settings that allows you to tweak and adjust print settings for emails, calendar events and address book entries.

XNote++ di opto

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 134 recensioni

15.581 utenti

Persistent sticky notes associated to emails. You can fulltext search with constraints/email them/print/bookmark/copy to clipboard.

If you have a large screen, you can even display the notes outside of TB's main window, so it won't hide anything.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta When receiving numerous emails, it is often confusing trying to remember what response and why this email requires. The XNote++ add-on, provides you the opportunity to describe in more detail the purpose and meaning of a specific email. When dealing with client emails, the ability to make notes and attached it to emails, is very useful to record important aspect about the email that should be kept in mind and serve as future references or reminders.

Tag Toolbar / Tag Popup di H.Ogi

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 91 recensioni

15.677 utenti

Add toolbar for toggling tags.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Tag Toolbar add-on is a very handy extension that creates a tagged toolbar, which allow you to tag and/or filter emails belonging to a specific idea, concept or activity.

Xpunge di Theodore Tegos

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle 76 recensioni

7.602 utenti

Empties the Trash and Junk folders, and compacts folders in multiple Thunderbird accounts.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta To keep emails and email folders manageable, requires frequent maintenance procedures. The Xpunge add-on is quite useful in the sense that it has features and options that ease the task of regularly maintaining, "clean-up" or "clean-out" email folders. Some "cleaning" operations can be scheduled on regular intervals, specially the email back-up feature is a must to limit email loosing important emails.

Filter Button di ChristophK

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 27 recensioni

887 utenti

Allows to add a button to the message header view toolbar that shows all filters that match the selected message, including manual and disabled filters. A click on the button allows to select a filter to run.

Priority Switcher di H.Ogi

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87 utenti

Change priority of the received messages from the toolbar button and the context menus...
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Priority Switcher add-on allows you to change email priorities from within the email listing display pane. Handy when you are deciding and planning which emails require immediate attention and which one's isn't all that important.

JunQuilla di R Kent James, Christopher Leidigh

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 29 recensioni

45 utenti

1) adds column with percent likelihood that a message is spam, 2) extends junk status column to show why a message was classified as junk/good, 3) adds an Uncertain folder for messages needing user decision.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Cluttering and pesky spam or marketing emails, are a unfortunate reality of modern times. It often happens that your Inbox, becomes cluttered with all kinds of unwanted emails. Unfortunately, you cannot delete these emails indiscriminately, cause you may also delete important emails by mistake. The standard Thunderbird junk email function are limited in the manner that its dealing with junk email. The JunQuilla add-on enhance existing standard junk mail features, allowing you to refine, filter and set specific junk mail rules. When used regularly and adapted over time, it cuts down unwanted emails by almost 90%.

RedirectFilter di Egor Potiomkin

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 14 recensioni

36 utenti

Redirect action in the filters.

Follow Up di Amulya

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle 22 recensioni

6 utenti

This add-on provides a follow-up email feature for Thunderbird.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Follow Up add-on is indispensable, when managing one's emails. With this add-on one can set specific dates to reply to or follow up emails. And at any time you are able to determine which email replies are completed and what is still outstanding, pending or require further attention.

Lovebird di Jono X

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle 3 recensioni

0 utenti

Email organized around the people you care about.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta This extension work very well to mark/label emails that require "special" attention and one is able to display all related emails and conversations on one tab. This makes it a lot easier to keep one's finger on the pulse of all those important emails. However, if you wish to use it in a professional setting, it is advised to tweak certain labels to be more professional sounding than love and hearts. But when labels don't really bother you, use as is... it work well and does what it promise to do.
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