Displaying and Reading Emails

di AltanaESP Pty Ltd

10 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta

Folder Pane View Switcher di Jonathan Kamens, Arnd Issler

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Folder view arrows; switch to "All Folders" view when hovering during drag & drop; allow user to select which views are enabled or tied to the view arrows.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The ability to automatically open email folders when dragging and dropping emails can be quite handy, specially when you are filing emails for later reference. The Folder Pane View Switcher add-on, adds this feature to Thunderbird, allowing you to drag and drop emails between the email list and folder panes.

ThreadVis di ahubmann

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Displays a small graphic visualising the context (thread) of the currently selected email.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta Thunderbird string all email threads chronologically together, from the most recent to the oldest email received. The add-on ThreadVis provide an an email position timeline view in the message pane of all emails in this particular email thread. This give you an overview of emails send/received, as well as the ability to have a quick peak at the content of the emails in the thread. Nice feature to have when dealing with and managing email conversations, specially when they are filed in different folders.

Mail Summaries di squib

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581 utenti

Adds a summary of mail accounts and folders to replace the account central pane and the empty folder preview
Nota dell’autore della raccolta When one uses emails to communicate, share information and coordinate activities extensively, it is imperative to obtain some statistic regarding emails going through and movement on a specific email account. This is very useful information when certain decision has to made regarding specific functions, procedures and/or processes in the organisation. The add-on Mail Summaries, collect and graphically presents that kind of statistics regarding email accounts. There is also other features available, but summary statistics for email account activity is the primary benefit of the Mail Summaries add-on.

No Message Pane Sort di thunderspeed

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No Message Pane Sort prevents accidental resorting of the message pane by disabling mouse button clicks on the column headers, thus, locking the sorting order of your emails.

It is still possible to sort messages by ctrl-clicking the header.

Extra Folder Columns di Joey Minta, Thunderbird Development Team

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114 utenti

This extension is for those TB3 users who want the multiple-columns view that TB2 allowed

IMPORTANT: If you are using Thunderbird 38 or later, uninstall this addon. The functionality is in core now.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Extra Folder Columns add-on is a an additional informative tool appearing in the folders pane, providing one with information on the number of messages in an account/folder and also how much space it take on disk. This kind of data is not really very important to know, unless you want to start cleaning out and/or archiving email messages.

Display Contact Photo di Samuel Mueller

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7 utenti

Mostra la foto del mittente, o del destinatario, nelle intestazioni del messaggio. Supporta immagini locali, le 'Face' e i gravatar. L'estensione dispone di foto predefinite e permette di applicare numerosi stili alle foto.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The 'Display Contact Photo' extension allows for displaying an image of the sender on the message pain of the email (providing the sender email address is registered on Gravatar). Not an essential Thunderbird operational feature, but supportive to the "human friendly" focus as promoted and encouraged by both the AltanaESP Network & System.

Maximize Message Pane di H.Ogi

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131 utenti

Maximize message pane by collapsing the thread pane. You can read a message in larger area without opening a new message window...
Nota dell’autore della raccolta To manage one's emails properly requires that both the folder pane and threat pane should be maximized. With this display settings, one has an excellent overview of and is able to see at a glance the status of all emails. However, this leaves very little room for displaying the email message pane and reading emails often become a scrolling schlep. Reading emails, either becomes a scroll of death in a small message pane or you need to open the email in a new tab. The latter often results in you losing track of the email you are dealing with at the moment related to the "bigger-email-picture". The 'Maximize Message Pane' extension allows for an easier, more focussed tracking and reading of emails, by maximizing the message pane when required, and return you to the "Inbox-bigger-picture" to deal with the email in the appropriate manner. A more convenient way for reading emails and still maintain the "conversation" threat you are dealing with. This extension place a "maximize" button on the email header bar and by clinking it, one are able to toggle between a maximize email message pane and an email Inbox managing display... without losing track of what you are currently busy with (i.e. limit email derailment).

Show InOut di Günter Gersdorf

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879 utenti

Adds some columns to the tableview. One shows an indicator wether a mail is incoming or outgoing, other shows the sender, the recipient(s) or the correspondent(s). Columns can be shown as name only, address only or both.
Nota dell’autore della raccolta When scanning emails in folders, it is often quite handy to quickly see whether an email was send or received. The ShowInOut add-on extent display features to include an InOut icon to email displays. Emails can also be sorted according to their InOut status.

Slideshow di Leszek Życzkowski, pastisman

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104 utenti

Displays a slideshow of picture attachments. When email has attached pictures, it displays "View as Slideshow" button next to the attachment. Button click pops a slideshow window with all the images, allowing you to zoom in/out, save...
Nota dell’autore della raccolta The Slideshow add-on is quite handy when receiving emails with some pictures attached to it. This add-on allows you to view pictures attached to an email in a slide show format. You are able to view pictures by scrolling through the slide show, instead of opening the attached pictures one, by one.

Enhanced Priority Display di Jonathan Kamens

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle 14 recensioni

95 utenti

Enhanced thread pane display of message priorities.

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