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Version 0.2c — 25 juin 2008 — 15 Ko (bump) FIREFOX 3.7a1pre

WIN XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1234abcd.default\extensions\{ee6976bb-656b-45cf-b2b6-5c837ee59a96}\chrome\content\

File style.css, FixStatusIcon:

@namespace url("");
#sourceeditorstatusimage[actif="y"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://sourceeditor/content/sourceeditor.png"); /* old style css firefox 3.0.* and before (firefox 1.0) = -moz-opacity:1; */
/* new style css firefox 3.7a1pre and before (firefox 1.7) = opacity:1; */
#sourceeditorstatusimage[actif="n"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://sourceeditor/content/sourceeditor.png");
/* old style css firefox 3.0.* and before (firefox 1.0) = -moz-opacity:0.3; */
/* new style css firefox 3.7a1pre and before (firefox 1.7) = opacity:1; */

How to identify the browser version correctly even if i change the User Agent ? To adapt the css code ... Thanks!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.2c) del componente aggiuntivo.