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The Developer console works better.

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Theoretically, this is a great add-on, and just what I need.

But one big problem: it randomly stops working far too often, at least with firefox 19. And by that I mean that right mouse-->"edit source"--->nothing happens (even though I haven't forgotten to start by clicking the addon button) So until that is fixed, it's practically useless.

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I agree. Excellent add-on. Perfectly for randomly editing the web page and save. Great supplement for Scrapbook. Just found it, so regret not to have found this before.

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Version 0.2c — 25 juin 2008 — 15 Ko (bump) FIREFOX 3.7a1pre

WIN XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USER_NAME\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\1234abcd.default\extensions\{ee6976bb-656b-45cf-b2b6-5c837ee59a96}\chrome\content\

File style.css, FixStatusIcon:

@namespace url("");
#sourceeditorstatusimage[actif="y"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://sourceeditor/content/sourceeditor.png"); /* old style css firefox 3.0.* and before (firefox 1.0) = -moz-opacity:1; */
/* new style css firefox 3.7a1pre and before (firefox 1.7) = opacity:1; */
#sourceeditorstatusimage[actif="n"] {
list-style-image: url("chrome://sourceeditor/content/sourceeditor.png");
/* old style css firefox 3.0.* and before (firefox 1.0) = -moz-opacity:0.3; */
/* new style css firefox 3.7a1pre and before (firefox 1.7) = opacity:1; */

How to identify the browser version correctly even if i change the User Agent ? To adapt the css code ... Thanks!

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The link on speedyshare is no more active (404), does anyboty know how to fix the status icon?


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I haven't found the same functionality on any other addon, so this makes it very useful. In the meantime the original developer updates it to FF 3.5, it can be used by just editing the install.rdf file and replacing em:maxVersion tag from 3.0 to 3.5.*. It works fine under FF 3.5.2 except a minor detail: the status bar icon doesn't change to grey when it's inactive.

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

It's a great add-on but it needs to be updated for FF 3.5 compatibility.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

add-on is perfect, thanks.

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I'm sure I am doing something wrong but don't know exactly what. The SourceEditor icon is on my FF bookmark bar, it's green and looks like a piece of a puzzle. The text next to it reads: Reviews for SourceEditor FireFox. When I click on this, the text is framed. When I choose some random text on a webpage and hover my mouse over it, the text is not framed.
What am I doing wrong?
Please advise.
Thank you

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I can't seem to get this addon to work on my Mac. This addon would be extremely valuable to me if I could use it.
I see the icon in my bookmark tool bar and clicking on it creates a frame around IT'S information but I can't get it to work on a web page. Any help will be most appreciated.
Thank you!

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Source Editor is great fun! Haven't had so much fun since the pigs ate my little brother.

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I like using this you view things before I apply it but how do you actually 'save' what you have done? I didn't think you could but a few other people have said so.

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I liked this addon, as it allowed me to quickly make changes to the page and save them. However when saving it changes the file links in the saved page to absolute, which is pretty annoying. This is why my rating is low. Please fix this.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

just awesome

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Is Firefox 3.0 compatibility in plan?

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Very nice idea.
Changing the border style can result in jumping/moving/flickering of the boxes. I changes it to use a background color (#EAEDE3) for me.

es_oldobj[1];'2px solid #FF0000';

AND this:


One/Two suggestion from my side
some keyboard-mouse-combo-shortcut would be nice to activate this.. i'm thinking about Crtl+DoubbleClicking on an element

And Esc to leave would be usefull.

@JsDir :-) great idea.. i use it this way too now

This Addon could become a very interessting project.. high potential imho.. a much of jquery-magic and features like syntax-highlight and auto-suggetion/auto-complete for css&html.. only some ideas :-)

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This, at least, a non-plus-ultra for me.
Very useful while developing and also sealing on the net to correct on-the-fly wrong IE-oriented code :-(

I made an only little improvement to enlarge the textarea, very small and up to unusable in most cases.
In the sourceditor.js file I modified the textarea style attrib as follows:

border:2px solid #c00;

of course all in one line to avoid braking the string.

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Nessun voto

Will NOT save changes -- not even with local files.
"File > Save Page As" does not work.
Can't save source either.
Maybe won't work with English OS?
Just get NVU / KompoZer and don't waste your time with SourceEditor.

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As a web designer/programmer i've had enjoyed the "View Selection Source" feature of FF because its helps me view on the fly what's going on with my website scripting. Now with this, its like having another great feature like "Edit Selection Source" in my FF. Not only i can repair scripting/code mistakes in my own websites, now i can do the same with others!!! Great Job and Keep It Up!!!

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