Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I use it everyday! Lets me get to my add-ons' config menus quickly for tweaks; plus very handy drop down list button on the toolbar that shows all my add-ons with version info. When not utilizing some features of an extension, 'Options Menu' makes it easy to disable/re-enable as needed. Sometimes, like during mid-terms and finals, I am a full feature user of Read It Later, Yooper, Scrapbook, TidyRead, to name a few, but otherwise I don't need all the email-sync-cite-grab-hightlight-blah-blah running in the background. This makes extension makes sense, kind of like flicking off the porch light in the morning...much appreciated!

'Options Menu', along with what I consider its' counterpart, 'Plugins Toggler', which is very user-friendly, just two clicks to enable/disable plugins from status bar button, should get five stars, a royal wave, two thumbs-up, and a kewpie doll... :>